GPS Coordinates Latitude: 51.03832 Longitude: 2.83783
Location Information
The village of Kaaskerke is located 2 kilometres west of Diksmuide, on the N35 road which runs between Diksmuide and Nieuwpoort.
Driving out of Diksmuide follow the N35 over the railway into Kaaskerke and take the first turning on the right called Oude Dorpstraat. The cemetery is on the right hand side. The graves are located at the rear centre of the cemetery.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk. Commonwealth forces did not return until September 1944, but in the intervening years, many airmen were shot down or crashed in raids on strategic objectives in Belgium, or while returning from missions over Germany.
Kaaskerke Communal Cemetery contains 12 Commonwealth war graves of the Second World War.
Identified Casualties: Australia 6, United Kingdom 6. Total 12.
The village of Kaaskerke is located 2 kilometres west of Diksmuide, on the N35 road which runs between Diksmuide and Nieuwpoort.
Driving out of Diksmuide follow the N35 over the railway into Kaaskerke and take the first turning on the right called Oude Dorpstraat. The cemetery is on the right hand side. The graves are located at the rear centre of the cemetery.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk. Commonwealth forces did not return until September 1944, but in the intervening years, many airmen were shot down or crashed in raids on strategic objectives in Belgium, or while returning from missions over Germany.
Kaaskerke Communal Cemetery contains 12 Commonwealth war graves of the Second World War.
Identified Casualties: Australia 6, United Kingdom 6. Total 12.
Images in gallery below © Johan Pauwels
426482 Flight Sergeant
James Hedley Abraham
Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 22.
Son of August Eric and Minna Bettie Abraham, of Wynnum North, Queensland, Australia
His headstone bears the inscription "Blessed Are The Dead Which Die In The Lord" Rev. XIV. 13
James Hedley Abraham
Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 22.
Son of August Eric and Minna Bettie Abraham, of Wynnum North, Queensland, Australia
His headstone bears the inscription "Blessed Are The Dead Which Die In The Lord" Rev. XIV. 13
1822059 Sergeant
Leslie Drummond Arcus
Flight Engineer in 467 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
21st July 1944, aged 19.
Son of Drummond Hutchison Arcus and Jessie Wishart Arcus, of Portobello, Midlothian.
His headstone bears the inscription "He Gave Of Those Talents Where With God Had Blessed Him"
Leslie Drummond Arcus
Flight Engineer in 467 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
21st July 1944, aged 19.
Son of Drummond Hutchison Arcus and Jessie Wishart Arcus, of Portobello, Midlothian.
His headstone bears the inscription "He Gave Of Those Talents Where With God Had Blessed Him"
Group portrait of 30 Course, 4 Initial Training School, Royal Australian Air Force, B Squadron, 12 Flight, held between July and September 1942 at Victor Harbor in SA.
Identified on the third row, first on the right and looking away is 417781 Flying Officer David Arnold Barlow (Royal Australian Air Force who was killed whilst on operations in Belgium on 21st July 1944, aged 20. Son of Clarence Arnold Barlow and Edith Valmai Barlow, of Hackney, South Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "For King And Country. Ever Remembered"
His headstone bears the inscription "For King And Country. Ever Remembered"
422851 Flight Sergeant
Edward Jack Freame
Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 22.
Son of William Clive and Elsie Minnie Freame, of Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done"
Edward Jack Freame
Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 22.
Son of William Clive and Elsie Minnie Freame, of Westmead, New South Wales, Australia
His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done"
1876264 Sapper
John Edwin Gudger
59 Field Company, Royal Engineers
23rd May 1940, aged 19.
Son of William Oliver Gudger and Dora Hilda Gudger, of Atherstone, Warwickshire.
His headstone bears the inscription "Gone Is Thy Smile Thy Kindley Face, No One, Again, Can Fill Thy Place"
John Edwin Gudger
59 Field Company, Royal Engineers
23rd May 1940, aged 19.
Son of William Oliver Gudger and Dora Hilda Gudger, of Atherstone, Warwickshire.
His headstone bears the inscription "Gone Is Thy Smile Thy Kindley Face, No One, Again, Can Fill Thy Place"
421754 Flight Sergeant
Jack Olof Ohlson
467 Sqdn. Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 31.
Grave 122.
Son of Olof Oscar and Estella Claudine Ohlson, of Adelaide, South Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "Thy Will Be Done"
Flt Sgt Ohlson was a forester living in the Blue Mountains, NSW, when he enlisted with the RAAF in March 1942. Flt Sgt Ohlson was an air gunner on Lancaster LM119 when it took off from the Royal Air Force's Waddingtron base to bomb railway yards at Courtrai, Belgium, on the night of 20 July 1944. Lancaster LM119 failed to return to Waddington, and was most likely brought down during a flying battle over Belgium when homebound early on 21 July 1944. Flt Sgt Ohlson and the six other crew members of Lancaster LM119 are buried in the Kaaskerke Communal Cemetery, Belgium.
Jack Olof Ohlson
467 Sqdn. Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 31.
Grave 122.
Son of Olof Oscar and Estella Claudine Ohlson, of Adelaide, South Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "Thy Will Be Done"
Flt Sgt Ohlson was a forester living in the Blue Mountains, NSW, when he enlisted with the RAAF in March 1942. Flt Sgt Ohlson was an air gunner on Lancaster LM119 when it took off from the Royal Air Force's Waddingtron base to bomb railway yards at Courtrai, Belgium, on the night of 20 July 1944. Lancaster LM119 failed to return to Waddington, and was most likely brought down during a flying battle over Belgium when homebound early on 21 July 1944. Flt Sgt Ohlson and the six other crew members of Lancaster LM119 are buried in the Kaaskerke Communal Cemetery, Belgium.
429487 Flight Sergeant
Robert Kenneth Scott
Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 20.
Son of James John and Agnes May Scott, of Bowen, Queensland, Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "Not Just Today But Every Day In Silence We Remember"
Robert Kenneth Scott
Royal Australian Air Force
21st July 1944, aged 20.
Son of James John and Agnes May Scott, of Bowen, Queensland, Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "Not Just Today But Every Day In Silence We Remember"
Other Burials
1985267 Sapper Joseph Scott Dixon, 59 Field Company, Royal Engineers, died 23rd May 1940, aged 33. Son of John and Hannah Dixon; husband of Elena Dixon, of Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. His headstone bears the inscription "Always Remembered By Those Who Loved Him"
1871951 Sapper Hedley Jackson, 59 Field Company, Royal Engineers, died 23rd May 1940, aged 25. Son of Harold E. and Mary E. Jackson, of South Kirkby, Yorkshire. His headstone bears the inscription "In Silence We Remember. Always In Our Thoughts"
430035 Flight Sergeant Maurice Robert Jones, Royal Australian Air Force, died 21st July 1944, aged 19. Son of Norman Llewellyn Jones and Mary Ann Laura Jones, of Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia. His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done. Beloved By All"
1875241 Corporal Charles Brown Murray, 59 Field Company, Royal Engineers, died 28th May 1940, aged 18. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of Edinburgh. His headstone bears the inscription "Too Dearly Loved To Be Forgotten. Father"
1903195 Sapper Henry James Rabson, 656 Gen. Const. Company, Royal Engineers, died between 10th May 1940 and 4th June 1940, aged 25. Son of Joseph Henry and Harriet Ann Rabson, of Crowborough, Sussex. His headstone bears the inscription "Cherished Memories Of Our Dear Brother"
1985267 Sapper Joseph Scott Dixon, 59 Field Company, Royal Engineers, died 23rd May 1940, aged 33. Son of John and Hannah Dixon; husband of Elena Dixon, of Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. His headstone bears the inscription "Always Remembered By Those Who Loved Him"
1871951 Sapper Hedley Jackson, 59 Field Company, Royal Engineers, died 23rd May 1940, aged 25. Son of Harold E. and Mary E. Jackson, of South Kirkby, Yorkshire. His headstone bears the inscription "In Silence We Remember. Always In Our Thoughts"
430035 Flight Sergeant Maurice Robert Jones, Royal Australian Air Force, died 21st July 1944, aged 19. Son of Norman Llewellyn Jones and Mary Ann Laura Jones, of Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia. His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done. Beloved By All"
1875241 Corporal Charles Brown Murray, 59 Field Company, Royal Engineers, died 28th May 1940, aged 18. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of Edinburgh. His headstone bears the inscription "Too Dearly Loved To Be Forgotten. Father"
1903195 Sapper Henry James Rabson, 656 Gen. Const. Company, Royal Engineers, died between 10th May 1940 and 4th June 1940, aged 25. Son of Joseph Henry and Harriet Ann Rabson, of Crowborough, Sussex. His headstone bears the inscription "Cherished Memories Of Our Dear Brother"