GPS Coordinates Latitude: 49.09262 Longitude: 1.4706
Location Information
Vernon is a small town about 25 kilometres north-east of Évreux. The Communal Cemetery is about 660 metres west of the railway station on the Avenue des Capucins.
History Information
There is 1, 1914-18 and 12, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. A large number from the 1939-45 War are said to have been killed while repairing the nearby bridge over the Seine.
World War One Identified Casualty: United Kingdom 1.
World War Two Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 12.
Vernon is a small town about 25 kilometres north-east of Évreux. The Communal Cemetery is about 660 metres west of the railway station on the Avenue des Capucins.
History Information
There is 1, 1914-18 and 12, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. A large number from the 1939-45 War are said to have been killed while repairing the nearby bridge over the Seine.
World War One Identified Casualty: United Kingdom 1.
World War Two Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 12.
Entrance and World War One Grave
(Pictures in gallery below © Johan Pauwels)
8344 Private Alfred John Gosnell, 1st Bn. East Surrey Regiment, died 3rd September 1914.