GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.29844, Longitude: -0.73791
Location Information
Sully is a village 4 kilometres north-west of Bayeux, 600 yards west of the D.6 road from Bayeux to Port-en-Bessin. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, 10 yards north-west of the west door of the church.
Burial Details
149688 Captain John Padmore Noble, M. C. "G" Battery, 5th Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery, died 8th June 1944, aged 26. Son of the Revd. William Hatt Noble, M.A., and of Elizabeth Frances Noble, of Hawkhurst, Kent. His headstone bears the inscription "Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends"
Sully is a village 4 kilometres north-west of Bayeux, 600 yards west of the D.6 road from Bayeux to Port-en-Bessin. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, 10 yards north-west of the west door of the church.
Burial Details
149688 Captain John Padmore Noble, M. C. "G" Battery, 5th Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery, died 8th June 1944, aged 26. Son of the Revd. William Hatt Noble, M.A., and of Elizabeth Frances Noble, of Hawkhurst, Kent. His headstone bears the inscription "Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends"