GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.59717, Longitude: 0.17533
Location Information
Mannevillette is a village and commune 8 miles (13 kilometres) north of Le Havre, and 1.50 miles (2 kilometres) east of the N.40 road from Le Havre to Etretat. There is a bus service on this main road between Le Havre and Etretat. The British grave is some 8 yards east of the south-east corner of the churchyard.
Burial Details
177917 Lieutenant Peter Ernest Gillham, 49th (West Riding) Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps, R.A.C., died 4th September 1944, aged 21. Son of Shirley Henry and Norah Anne Gillham, of Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. His headstone bears the inscription "He Died That We Might Live"
Mannevillette is a village and commune 8 miles (13 kilometres) north of Le Havre, and 1.50 miles (2 kilometres) east of the N.40 road from Le Havre to Etretat. There is a bus service on this main road between Le Havre and Etretat. The British grave is some 8 yards east of the south-east corner of the churchyard.
Burial Details
177917 Lieutenant Peter Ernest Gillham, 49th (West Riding) Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps, R.A.C., died 4th September 1944, aged 21. Son of Shirley Henry and Norah Anne Gillham, of Shirley, Croydon, Surrey. His headstone bears the inscription "He Died That We Might Live"