GPS Coordinates Latitude: 51.02734 Longitude: 4.07084
Location Information
The town of Dendermonde is located south of the city of Sint-Niklaas on the N47. From the motorway E17, which runs between Kortrijk and Antwerpen, turn off at junction 12 onto the N47, direction Zele. Follow the N47 to the junction with the N470 and follow the N47/N470, crossing the river to the junction with the N17. At the junction tiurn right onto the N416 Noordlaan. Follow the road to the junction with the N406 where you turn left into Oudegemsebaan. After a short distance turn left into kerkhofweg and the communal cemetery will be directly in front.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk.
DENDERMONDE COMMUNAL CEMETERY contains the grave of one Commonwealth airman of the Second World War.
The adjoining COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION was made by the Germans during the First World War but the graves were regrouped into distinct Belgian German and Commonwealth plots by the Belgian Graves Service after the Armistice. The extension contains the graves of 16 Commonwealth casualties of the First World War (one of them unidentified), who died while prisoners of war.
Pictures © Werner Van Caneghem
The town of Dendermonde is located south of the city of Sint-Niklaas on the N47. From the motorway E17, which runs between Kortrijk and Antwerpen, turn off at junction 12 onto the N47, direction Zele. Follow the N47 to the junction with the N470 and follow the N47/N470, crossing the river to the junction with the N17. At the junction tiurn right onto the N416 Noordlaan. Follow the road to the junction with the N406 where you turn left into Oudegemsebaan. After a short distance turn left into kerkhofweg and the communal cemetery will be directly in front.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk.
DENDERMONDE COMMUNAL CEMETERY contains the grave of one Commonwealth airman of the Second World War.
The adjoining COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION was made by the Germans during the First World War but the graves were regrouped into distinct Belgian German and Commonwealth plots by the Belgian Graves Service after the Armistice. The extension contains the graves of 16 Commonwealth casualties of the First World War (one of them unidentified), who died while prisoners of war.
Pictures © Werner Van Caneghem
World War One Burials
Click on Individual Headstone for Details
Walter J. Brooks
65th Squadron, Royal Air Force
9th October 1918, aged 25.
Son of Walter F. and Frances M. Brooks (nee Gloster), of 93, Leuty Avenue, Toronto, Canada.
Walter J. Brooks
65th Squadron, Royal Air Force
9th October 1918, aged 25.
Son of Walter F. and Frances M. Brooks (nee Gloster), of 93, Leuty Avenue, Toronto, Canada.
Oswald Hesketh Hanson
Benbow Bn. Royal Naval Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
11th October 1914.
Oswald Hesketh Hanson
Benbow Bn. Royal Naval Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
11th October 1914.
Percy Byron McNally
Canadian Infantry and 55th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps
13th August 1917, aged 30.
Son of Byron and Annie M. McNally, of 167, Aberdeen St., Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Percy Byron McNally
Canadian Infantry and 55th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps
13th August 1917, aged 30.
Son of Byron and Annie M. McNally, of 167, Aberdeen St., Fredericton, New Brunswick.
World War Two Burial
The first picture was taken in 2012 and the other three in 2018. The surrounding graves were removed during this period and the CWGC Headstone now stands alone.
552443 Aircraftman 2nd Class Owen Ralph Beaumont, Wireless Operator in 57 Squadron, Royal Air Force, died 14th May 1940, aged 18. Son of Reginald Jack and Florence Maud Beaumont, of Norwich.