GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 48.95024, Longitude: -0.52484
Location Information
Culey-le-Patry is a village and commune 16 miles (26 kilometres) south-south-west of Caen, 24 miles (39 kilometres) south-south-east of Bayeux, and 4 miles (6 kilometres) south-west of Thury-Harcourt. This is a small town on the N.162 Caen to Flers road, 16 miles (26 kilometres) south-south-west of Caen. The communal cemetery is 500 yards south-east of the church on the D.211 road from Culey-le-Patry to Pont-de-la-Mousse. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, near the north-west corner of the cemetery.
Burial Details
414872 Flight Sergeant Maurice Keith Hasard Wilson, Royal Australian Air Force, died 14th June 1944, aged 20. Son of Robert Maurice Hasard Wilson and Ida Whiteside Wilson, of Auchenflower, Queensland, Australia. His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done"
Culey-le-Patry is a village and commune 16 miles (26 kilometres) south-south-west of Caen, 24 miles (39 kilometres) south-south-east of Bayeux, and 4 miles (6 kilometres) south-west of Thury-Harcourt. This is a small town on the N.162 Caen to Flers road, 16 miles (26 kilometres) south-south-west of Caen. The communal cemetery is 500 yards south-east of the church on the D.211 road from Culey-le-Patry to Pont-de-la-Mousse. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, near the north-west corner of the cemetery.
Burial Details
414872 Flight Sergeant Maurice Keith Hasard Wilson, Royal Australian Air Force, died 14th June 1944, aged 20. Son of Robert Maurice Hasard Wilson and Ida Whiteside Wilson, of Auchenflower, Queensland, Australia. His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done"