GPS Coordinates:Latitude: 48.52968, Longitude: 4.56947
Location Information
Chassericourt is a village and commune some 28 miles (45 kilometres) north-east of Troyes, and some 10 miles (16 kilometres) north of Brienne-le-Chateau. The nearest railway station is at Vitry-le-Francois, which is 15.5 miles (25 kilometres) north of Chassericourt, and where taxis are available In the churchyard, on the far left side from the entrance and behind the church, is the collective grave of two British and one Australian airmen.
Flight Details:
Base: R.A.F. East Kirkby, Lincolnshire
Unit: 630 Sqdn. Bomber Command
Aircraft: Lancaster Mk III, serial LM537
Target: Revigny
Incident: Aircraft crashed at Chassericourt. Three of the crew died and are buried here. Sgts. H. P. Ritchie (R.C.A.F.) and R. A. Hiborne escaped. The fate of Sgt. J. Stones is unknown at this time.
Burial Details:
418297 Flying Officer Peter Buck Dennett, Royal Australian Air Force, died 19th July 1944, aged 21. Son of Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Dennett of Toorak, Victoria, Australia.
1432745 Sergeant William John Jarman, Wireless Operator in 630 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 19th July 1944, aged 20. Son of John Thomas and Elizabeth Jane Jarman of Towyn, Merionethshire.
1397145 Flight Sergeant Cedric Raymond Jerwood, Navigator in 630 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 19th July 1944 aged 21. Son of Raymond George and Amy Lilian Jerwood of Hove, Sussex.
Pictures and Flight Details © Barry Cuttell
Chassericourt is a village and commune some 28 miles (45 kilometres) north-east of Troyes, and some 10 miles (16 kilometres) north of Brienne-le-Chateau. The nearest railway station is at Vitry-le-Francois, which is 15.5 miles (25 kilometres) north of Chassericourt, and where taxis are available In the churchyard, on the far left side from the entrance and behind the church, is the collective grave of two British and one Australian airmen.
Flight Details:
Base: R.A.F. East Kirkby, Lincolnshire
Unit: 630 Sqdn. Bomber Command
Aircraft: Lancaster Mk III, serial LM537
Target: Revigny
Incident: Aircraft crashed at Chassericourt. Three of the crew died and are buried here. Sgts. H. P. Ritchie (R.C.A.F.) and R. A. Hiborne escaped. The fate of Sgt. J. Stones is unknown at this time.
Burial Details:
418297 Flying Officer Peter Buck Dennett, Royal Australian Air Force, died 19th July 1944, aged 21. Son of Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Dennett of Toorak, Victoria, Australia.
1432745 Sergeant William John Jarman, Wireless Operator in 630 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 19th July 1944, aged 20. Son of John Thomas and Elizabeth Jane Jarman of Towyn, Merionethshire.
1397145 Flight Sergeant Cedric Raymond Jerwood, Navigator in 630 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 19th July 1944 aged 21. Son of Raymond George and Amy Lilian Jerwood of Hove, Sussex.
Pictures and Flight Details © Barry Cuttell