GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.08264, Longitude: 0.78034
Location Information
Beaumont-le-Roger is a small town 28 kilometres west-north-west of Évreux. The Communal Cemetery is north of the town on the road Beaumontel. Access is by a road leading north from the church.
History Information
There are 14, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site.
Total Burials: 14.
Casualties: United Kingdom 13, Canada 1. Total 14.
Beaumont-le-Roger is a small town 28 kilometres west-north-west of Évreux. The Communal Cemetery is north of the town on the road Beaumontel. Access is by a road leading north from the church.
History Information
There are 14, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site.
Total Burials: 14.
Casualties: United Kingdom 13, Canada 1. Total 14.
Entrance, Graves and grave of Bertram Arthur Dowty
Pictures © Johan Pauwels
Bertram Arthur Dowty was born 20th May 1922 and died 2nd June 2004.
918988 Sergeant
Bryden George Seagoe
44 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
17th April 1942.
Bryden George Seagoe
44 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
17th April 1942.