GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.17962, Longitude: -0.18618
Location Information
Troarn is a village and commune 8 miles (13 kilometres) east of Caen, on the N.815 main road from Caen to Pont l'Éveque. The communal cemetery is at the east end of the village, at the crossing of the N.815 and D.37 (Herouvillette to Moult) roads. There are 3 Commonwealth burials of the 1939-1945 war here, west of the monument in the centre of the cemetery, and adjacent to the west wall.
Burial Details
886971 Private Henry Matthew Carter, 8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C., died 6th June 1944, aged 23. Son of Francis Bewick Carter and Emma Carter, of Trimoon Grange, Co. Durham. His headstone bears the inscription "He Died That We Might Live"
5124711 Serjeant John Davies, 8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C., died 6th June 1944, aged 22. Son of John Baynon Davies and Lilian Dorothy Davies; husband of Lilian Edith Davies, of Winchester. His headstone bears the inscription "Sweet Thoughts Remain Until We Meet Again. Loving Wife And Daughter"
4860760 Serjeant John Adrian Iliffe, 8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C., died 6th June 1944, aged 26. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkman Iliffe; hus band of Lilian Iliffe, of Leicester. His headstone bears the inscription "Till We Meet Again"
Troarn is a village and commune 8 miles (13 kilometres) east of Caen, on the N.815 main road from Caen to Pont l'Éveque. The communal cemetery is at the east end of the village, at the crossing of the N.815 and D.37 (Herouvillette to Moult) roads. There are 3 Commonwealth burials of the 1939-1945 war here, west of the monument in the centre of the cemetery, and adjacent to the west wall.
Burial Details
886971 Private Henry Matthew Carter, 8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C., died 6th June 1944, aged 23. Son of Francis Bewick Carter and Emma Carter, of Trimoon Grange, Co. Durham. His headstone bears the inscription "He Died That We Might Live"
5124711 Serjeant John Davies, 8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C., died 6th June 1944, aged 22. Son of John Baynon Davies and Lilian Dorothy Davies; husband of Lilian Edith Davies, of Winchester. His headstone bears the inscription "Sweet Thoughts Remain Until We Meet Again. Loving Wife And Daughter"
4860760 Serjeant John Adrian Iliffe, 8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment, A.A.C., died 6th June 1944, aged 26. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkman Iliffe; hus band of Lilian Iliffe, of Leicester. His headstone bears the inscription "Till We Meet Again"