GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.21097, Longitude: -0.24426
Location Information
Escoville is a village and commune 12 kilometres north-east of Caen, and 1 kilometre south of Hérouvillette, a village on the N.813 road from Caen to Cabourg and Deauville, 7 miles (11 kilometres) north-east of Caen. The village of Escoville was in the Normandy battle zone for a long period. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, in the north-east corner of the churchyard, near the entrance steps.
Burial Details
5682457 Private William Sydney Wilkins, 2nd (Airborne) Bn. Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, died 7th June 1944, aged 22. Son of William and Florance M. Wilkins, of Kingswood, Gloucestershire. His headstone bears the inscription "God Grant Eternal Rest"
Escoville is a village and commune 12 kilometres north-east of Caen, and 1 kilometre south of Hérouvillette, a village on the N.813 road from Caen to Cabourg and Deauville, 7 miles (11 kilometres) north-east of Caen. The village of Escoville was in the Normandy battle zone for a long period. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, in the north-east corner of the churchyard, near the entrance steps.
Burial Details
5682457 Private William Sydney Wilkins, 2nd (Airborne) Bn. Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, died 7th June 1944, aged 22. Son of William and Florance M. Wilkins, of Kingswood, Gloucestershire. His headstone bears the inscription "God Grant Eternal Rest"