GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.23201, Longitude: 1.21797
Location Information
The village of St. Pierre-du-Vauvray is about 7 kilometres east of the town of Louviers, and 26 kilometres south-east of Rouen, on the west bank of the River Seine. The Communal Cemetery is on the north western side of the village. There are 21,1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 21.
The village of St. Pierre-du-Vauvray is about 7 kilometres east of the town of Louviers, and 26 kilometres south-east of Rouen, on the west bank of the River Seine. The Communal Cemetery is on the north western side of the village. There are 21,1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 21.
Images in gallery below © Johan Pauwels

130454 Flying Officer
Gordon Blanshard
613 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
6th August 1944, aged 28.
Son of Walter and Olive Blanshard; husband of Enid Mary Blanshard, of Hessle, Yorkshire.
His headstone bears the inscription "We Will Remember"
Gordon Blanshard
613 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
6th August 1944, aged 28.
Son of Walter and Olive Blanshard; husband of Enid Mary Blanshard, of Hessle, Yorkshire.
His headstone bears the inscription "We Will Remember"

7899761 Trooper
Joseph Small
10th Royal Hussars, Royal Armoured Corps
8th June 1940, aged 21.
Son of Mary E. Small, of Liverpool; husband of Lillian Small, of Liverpool.
His headstone bears the inscription "In Loving Memory Of My Only Son Joseph. Mother"
Joseph Small
10th Royal Hussars, Royal Armoured Corps
8th June 1940, aged 21.
Son of Mary E. Small, of Liverpool; husband of Lillian Small, of Liverpool.
His headstone bears the inscription "In Loving Memory Of My Only Son Joseph. Mother"