GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 48.65521, Longitude: -4.17558
Location Information
Take the Morlaix to Brest road, D58, and take the exit for Plouescat, D10. Head towards the town centre until a small square (where parking is permitted), with a hotel in the corner, is reached. The Communal Cemetery adjoins the Square with just a small road in between. The CWGC plot lies on the left hand side of the entrance.
History Information
Most of the graves are of sailors belonging to the Royal Canadian Navy who lost their lives when H.M.C.S. Athabaskan was torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel on 29th April, 1944.
There is 1, 1914-18 and 59, 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, 25 are unidentified.
Total Burials: 60.
World War One Identified Casualty: United Kingdom 1.
World War Two Identified Casualties: Canada 34.
World War Two Unidentified Casualties: Canada 25.