GPS Coordinates Latitude: 50.77431 Longitude: 3.86135
Location Information
The town of Geraardsbergen is located south of the town of Aalst on the N42. From the motorway E40/A10, which runs between Oostende and Brussels, turn off at junction 17 onto the N42, direction Geraardsbergen. Follow this road to the town of Geraardsbergen and the junction with the N493. Turn right onto the N493, direction Parike, and the cemetery is along here on the right. The graves are located towards the centre of the cemetery.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk. Commonwealth forces did not return until September 1944, but in the intervening years, many airmen were shot down or crashed in raids on strategic objectives in Belgium, or while returning from missions over Germany.
Geraardsbergen Communal Cemetery contains the graves of 21 Commonwealth airmen of the Second World War.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 10, Canada 7, Australia 4. Total 21.
Pictures in gallery below © Werner Caneghem unless stated otherwise
The town of Geraardsbergen is located south of the town of Aalst on the N42. From the motorway E40/A10, which runs between Oostende and Brussels, turn off at junction 17 onto the N42, direction Geraardsbergen. Follow this road to the town of Geraardsbergen and the junction with the N493. Turn right onto the N493, direction Parike, and the cemetery is along here on the right. The graves are located towards the centre of the cemetery.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk. Commonwealth forces did not return until September 1944, but in the intervening years, many airmen were shot down or crashed in raids on strategic objectives in Belgium, or while returning from missions over Germany.
Geraardsbergen Communal Cemetery contains the graves of 21 Commonwealth airmen of the Second World War.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 10, Canada 7, Australia 4. Total 21.
Pictures in gallery below © Werner Caneghem unless stated otherwise
Click on Individual Headstone for Details
(Pictures © Johan Pauwels)
J/87413 Pilot Officer
Joseph Edward Jean Guy Arbour
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944.
Joseph Edward Jean Guy Arbour
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944.
J/87378 Pilot Officer
Wilbur Boyd Bentz
Pilot in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944, aged 23.
Son of Guy and Edith Bentz, of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.
His headstone bears the inscription "Cherished Son Beloved Brother Heroic Uncle God Grant You Peace"
Wilbur Boyd Bentz
Pilot in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944, aged 23.
Son of Guy and Edith Bentz, of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.
His headstone bears the inscription "Cherished Son Beloved Brother Heroic Uncle God Grant You Peace"
J/88626 Pilot Officer
Jack Edwin McIntyre
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944.
Jack Edwin McIntyre
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944.
J/90063 Pilot Officer
Fred Roach
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944, aged 25.
Son of Lewis Webster Roach and Ruby Roach, of Leamington, Ontario, Canada.
His headstone bears the inscription "Lost To Us For 53 Years Left Pain And Many Tears Risen From A Boggy Deep Comforts Us As You Sleep"
Fred Roach
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944, aged 25.
Son of Lewis Webster Roach and Ruby Roach, of Leamington, Ontario, Canada.
His headstone bears the inscription "Lost To Us For 53 Years Left Pain And Many Tears Risen From A Boggy Deep Comforts Us As You Sleep"
21315 Sergeant
Cecil Raymond Stubbs
Royal Australian Air Force
21st December 1942, aged 28.
Son of William Albert and Francess Annie Stubbs; husband of Ailsa Rose Stubbs, of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done"
Studio portrait of 21315 Sergeant (Sgt) Cecil Raymond Stubbs, RAAF, 57 Squadron RAF of Sydney, NSW. He enlisted in Newcastle on 17 June 1940. Sgt Stubbs was killed on operation in a Lancaster I over Grammont, Belgium on 21 December 1942. He is buried at Geraardsbergen Communal Cemetery, Belgium.
Cecil Raymond Stubbs
Royal Australian Air Force
21st December 1942, aged 28.
Son of William Albert and Francess Annie Stubbs; husband of Ailsa Rose Stubbs, of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "His Duty Nobly Done"
Studio portrait of 21315 Sergeant (Sgt) Cecil Raymond Stubbs, RAAF, 57 Squadron RAF of Sydney, NSW. He enlisted in Newcastle on 17 June 1940. Sgt Stubbs was killed on operation in a Lancaster I over Grammont, Belgium on 21 December 1942. He is buried at Geraardsbergen Communal Cemetery, Belgium.
J/89358 Pilot Officer
John Wilson Summerhayes
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944, aged 23.
Son of Leo and Daisy Summerhayes, of Brantford, Ontario, Canada; husband of Bernice A. Summerhayes, of Brantford.
His headstone bears the inscription "He Lives With Us In Memory And Will For Evermore"
John Wilson Summerhayes
Air Gunner in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944, aged 23.
Son of Leo and Daisy Summerhayes, of Brantford, Ontario, Canada; husband of Bernice A. Summerhayes, of Brantford.
His headstone bears the inscription "He Lives With Us In Memory And Will For Evermore"
J/24251 Flying Officer
Thomas Wessel Taylor
Navigator in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944.
Thomas Wessel Taylor
Navigator in 426 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
13th May 1944.