GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.88345, Longitude: 2.17004
Location Information
Ferrières is a village and commune about 11 kilometres west of Amiens on the D.211 road to Molliens-Vidame. The communal cemetery is in the fields 1 kilometre south of the village, on a by-road leading to the village of Guignemicourt. The two British graves are in the eastern part of the cemetery, near the hedge and some 9 metres east of the corner of the chapel.
Burial Details
3601089 Private James Bell, 4th Bn. Border Regiment, died 24th May 1940, aged 21.
410864 Lance Corporal George Edward Brown, The Queen;s Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards), Royal Armoured Corps, died 25th May 1940, aged 20.
Ferrières is a village and commune about 11 kilometres west of Amiens on the D.211 road to Molliens-Vidame. The communal cemetery is in the fields 1 kilometre south of the village, on a by-road leading to the village of Guignemicourt. The two British graves are in the eastern part of the cemetery, near the hedge and some 9 metres east of the corner of the chapel.
Burial Details
3601089 Private James Bell, 4th Bn. Border Regiment, died 24th May 1940, aged 21.
410864 Lance Corporal George Edward Brown, The Queen;s Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards), Royal Armoured Corps, died 25th May 1940, aged 20.