GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.91608, Longitude: 2.22962
Location Information
Dreuil-lès-Amiens is a village and commune 6 kilometres west of Amiens on the N.35 road to Abbeville. In this churchyard the one British grave is about 5 metres from the north-western corner of the church, and east of the war memorial.
Burial Details
113445 Second Lieutenant Richard Owen Price Steel, 9th Queen's Royal Lancers, Royal Armoured Corps, died 24th May 1940, aged 26. Son of Gerald Arthur Steel, C.B., and Ellen Price Steel, of St. John's Wood, London. B.A. (Oxon.). Chartered Accountant
Dreuil-lès-Amiens is a village and commune 6 kilometres west of Amiens on the N.35 road to Abbeville. In this churchyard the one British grave is about 5 metres from the north-western corner of the church, and east of the war memorial.
Burial Details
113445 Second Lieutenant Richard Owen Price Steel, 9th Queen's Royal Lancers, Royal Armoured Corps, died 24th May 1940, aged 26. Son of Gerald Arthur Steel, C.B., and Ellen Price Steel, of St. John's Wood, London. B.A. (Oxon.). Chartered Accountant