GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.78863, Longitude: 0.45166
Location Information
Életot is a coastal village in the commune of the same name 28 miles (45 kilometres) west of Dieppe, and 5.50 miles (9 kilometres) north-east of Fécamp on the coast road from St. Valery-en-Caux to Fécamp. There is a bus service from Fécamp In the churchyard, just north of the north-east corner of the church, is the grave of a British soldier.
Burial Details
5189659 Ivor Douglas James Aplin, 43rd 2/5th Bn. Gloucestershire Regt.) Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps, R.A.C., died 24th June 1944. His headstone bears the inscription "Ivor, You Will Never Be Forgotten. Rest In Peace"
Életot is a coastal village in the commune of the same name 28 miles (45 kilometres) west of Dieppe, and 5.50 miles (9 kilometres) north-east of Fécamp on the coast road from St. Valery-en-Caux to Fécamp. There is a bus service from Fécamp In the churchyard, just north of the north-east corner of the church, is the grave of a British soldier.
Burial Details
5189659 Ivor Douglas James Aplin, 43rd 2/5th Bn. Gloucestershire Regt.) Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps, R.A.C., died 24th June 1944. His headstone bears the inscription "Ivor, You Will Never Be Forgotten. Rest In Peace"