GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 48.37528, Longitude: 0.52725
Location Information
Le Gué-de-la-Châine is a village and commune 36 kilometres by road east-south-east of Alençon, on the D.955 road to Nogent-le-Rotrou and Châteaudun. The communal cemetery is on the eastern side of the village on the D.955 road. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, west of the monument in the centre, and near the west wall.
Le Gué-de-la-Châine is a village and commune 36 kilometres by road east-south-east of Alençon, on the D.955 road to Nogent-le-Rotrou and Châteaudun. The communal cemetery is on the eastern side of the village on the D.955 road. There is 1 Commonwealth burial of the 1939-1945 war here, west of the monument in the centre, and near the west wall.
Images in this gallery © Johan Pauwels
414694 Warrant Officer
Donald Bertram Kairton
Royal Australian Air Force
14th June 1944, aged 22.
Son of Wilfred and Evelyn Kairton, of Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "Remembering Him Who Died For Us "Don" Also Died That We Might Live"
Donald Bertram Kairton
Royal Australian Air Force
14th June 1944, aged 22.
Son of Wilfred and Evelyn Kairton, of Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia.
His headstone bears the inscription "Remembering Him Who Died For Us "Don" Also Died That We Might Live"