GPS Coordinates Latitude: 50.89584 Longitude: 2.85528
Location Information
Boezinge is a village 7 kilometres north-west of Ieper, astride the road to Diksmuide.
The churchyard is in the centre of the village, on the south side of the main road.
Historical Information
The British Expeditionary Force was involved in the later stages of the defence of Belgium following the German invasion in May 1940, and suffered many casualties in covering the withdrawal to Dunkirk.
Boezinge Churchyard contains a small plot of 15 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, one of which is unidentified. There is also one burial of the First World War in the same plot.
Total Burials: 15
World War One Identified Casualty: United Kingdom 1.
World War Two Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 13.
World War Two Unidentified Casualty: United Kingdom 1.
World War Two Burials
World War Two Burials
Click on Individual Headstone for more details if applicable
World War One Burial

Edward Frederick Maltby Urquhart
Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
23rd October 1914, aged 37.
Son of the Rev. E W and Mrs Urquhart. Born at Edinburgh.
His headstone bears the inscription " R. I. P."
Edward Frederick Maltby Urquhart
Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
23rd October 1914, aged 37.
Son of the Rev. E W and Mrs Urquhart. Born at Edinburgh.
His headstone bears the inscription " R. I. P."