GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 48.86405, Longitude: 1.47066
Location Information
Oulins is a village and commune 16 kilometres north-north-east of Dreux, a town on the main road (N.12) from Paris to the west of France.
On the southern side of the church are the graves of two airmen of the Royal Air Force and one airman of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Oulins is a village and commune 16 kilometres north-north-east of Dreux, a town on the main road (N.12) from Paris to the west of France.
On the southern side of the church are the graves of two airmen of the Royal Air Force and one airman of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Images in gallery below © Johan Pauwels
J/28547 Flying Officer
Frank Gordon Paterson
Air Gunner in 106 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
8th July 1944, aged 22.
Son of Donald and Lydia Paterson, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. B.A.
His headstone bears the inscription "Rest In Peace"
Frank Gordon Paterson
Air Gunner in 106 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
8th July 1944, aged 22.
Son of Donald and Lydia Paterson, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. B.A.
His headstone bears the inscription "Rest In Peace"
Other Burial Details
1835119 Sergeant William Bert Gladstone, Air Gunner in 106 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 8th July 1944, aged 19. Son of Thomas Frederick Bert and Elizabeth Emma Gladstone, of Hornchurch, Essex. His headstone bears the inscription "We'll Conquer Or We'll Die" Forever Remembered
151165 Flying Officer William Gordon Hardcastle, Navigator in 106 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 8th July 1944, aged 24. Son of William and Charlotte Maud Hardcastle, of Balham, London. His headstone bears the inscription "Sleep On, My Son Till We Meet Again. Just One To The World But The World to Us"
1835119 Sergeant William Bert Gladstone, Air Gunner in 106 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 8th July 1944, aged 19. Son of Thomas Frederick Bert and Elizabeth Emma Gladstone, of Hornchurch, Essex. His headstone bears the inscription "We'll Conquer Or We'll Die" Forever Remembered
151165 Flying Officer William Gordon Hardcastle, Navigator in 106 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 8th July 1944, aged 24. Son of William and Charlotte Maud Hardcastle, of Balham, London. His headstone bears the inscription "Sleep On, My Son Till We Meet Again. Just One To The World But The World to Us"