The Netherlands
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 53.06832, Longitude: 6.46078
Location Information
The village and commune of Norg lies 14 kilometres north-west of Assen, the capital of the province of Drenthe, 8 kilometres west of the Assen-Groningen road. The cemetery is 400 metres due north of the village centre, and the four Commonwealth war graves are in the north-western corner of the cemetery.
The village and commune of Norg lies 14 kilometres north-west of Assen, the capital of the province of Drenthe, 8 kilometres west of the Assen-Groningen road. The cemetery is 400 metres due north of the village centre, and the four Commonwealth war graves are in the north-western corner of the cemetery.
Images in gallery below © Rutger Leenders
Four of the Seven crew members were killed when their Lancaster bomber JB181, on a raid to Hannover, Germany, was shot down by a night-fighter near Westervelde, Netherlands (information provided by Peter Hakze, Find A Grave ID 47703868).
R/159411 Flight Sergeant
Chris Zane Robert Christianson
7 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
9th October 1943, aged 21.
Son of Charles James Christianson and Ruth Christianson; husband of Veronica Christianson, of Liverpool.
His headstone bears the inscription "Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have Mercy On Him" Rest In Peace. Loving Wife And Son.
Chris Zane Robert Christianson
7 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
9th October 1943, aged 21.
Son of Charles James Christianson and Ruth Christianson; husband of Veronica Christianson, of Liverpool.
His headstone bears the inscription "Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus Have Mercy On Him" Rest In Peace. Loving Wife And Son.
140922 Flying Officer
Bruce Edwin Cornwall MacPherson
7 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
9th October 1943, aged 21.
Son of Bruce Murray Macpherson and Bernice Olive Macpherson, of Regents Park, London.
His headstone bears the inscription "Let Them Wake Whole Again To New Dawns Fired With Sun, Not War"
Bruce Edwin Cornwall MacPherson
7 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
9th October 1943, aged 21.
Son of Bruce Murray Macpherson and Bernice Olive Macpherson, of Regents Park, London.
His headstone bears the inscription "Let Them Wake Whole Again To New Dawns Fired With Sun, Not War"
Other Burial Details
1604770 Sergeant Frederick Reginald Brine, 7 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 9th October 1943, aged 21. Son of James C. and Mabel Brine, of Crewkerne, Somerset. His headstone bears the inscription "But O For The Touch Of A Vanished Hand, And The Sound Of A Voice That Is Still"
1438166 Sergeant Thomas Roy Spencer, 7 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 9th October 1943, aged 22.
Son of William and Elizabeth May Spencer, of Stockton Heath, Cheshire. His headstone bears the inscription "At The Going Down Of The Sun And In The Morning We Will Remember Them"
1604770 Sergeant Frederick Reginald Brine, 7 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 9th October 1943, aged 21. Son of James C. and Mabel Brine, of Crewkerne, Somerset. His headstone bears the inscription "But O For The Touch Of A Vanished Hand, And The Sound Of A Voice That Is Still"
1438166 Sergeant Thomas Roy Spencer, 7 Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, died 9th October 1943, aged 22.
Son of William and Elizabeth May Spencer, of Stockton Heath, Cheshire. His headstone bears the inscription "At The Going Down Of The Sun And In The Morning We Will Remember Them"