GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.95885, Longitude: 1.899
Location Information
Allery is a village in the department of the Somme, some 25 kilometres south of Abbeville. When in the centre of the village, turn up the road with the calvaire. The war graves will be found behind and to the right of the calvaire.
Historiacal Information
Allery Communal Cemetery contains two Commonwealth burials of the First World War and one from the Second World War.
Allery is a village in the department of the Somme, some 25 kilometres south of Abbeville. When in the centre of the village, turn up the road with the calvaire. The war graves will be found behind and to the right of the calvaire.
Historiacal Information
Allery Communal Cemetery contains two Commonwealth burials of the First World War and one from the Second World War.
Images in gallery below © Johan Pauwels
6/3704 Private
John Stuart Fox
2nd Bn. Canterbury Regt. N. Z. E. F.
Died of sickness on 29th August 1916, aged 20.
Son of the Rev. John Elliot Fox and Grace Fox (nee Blyth), of Otaki, New Zealand.
John Stuart Fox
2nd Bn. Canterbury Regt. N. Z. E. F.
Died of sickness on 29th August 1916, aged 20.
Son of the Rev. John Elliot Fox and Grace Fox (nee Blyth), of Otaki, New Zealand.
Other Burial Details
10257 Driver Lionel Keith Perry, 3rd Division train, Australian Army Service Corps, died 2nd november 1918, aged 27.
Son of William Henry and Agnes Perry, of Sydney, Australia. His headstone bears the inscription "Beloved Son Of William and Agnes Perry Of Sydney, N. S. W."
7347871 Corporal Felix Hart, 145th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, 21st January 1940, aged 22. Son of Herbert Louis and Caroline S. Hart, of Terenure, Dublin, Irish Republic.. His headstone bears the inscription "Happy, Loving Memories. Mother"
10257 Driver Lionel Keith Perry, 3rd Division train, Australian Army Service Corps, died 2nd november 1918, aged 27.
Son of William Henry and Agnes Perry, of Sydney, Australia. His headstone bears the inscription "Beloved Son Of William and Agnes Perry Of Sydney, N. S. W."
7347871 Corporal Felix Hart, 145th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, 21st January 1940, aged 22. Son of Herbert Louis and Caroline S. Hart, of Terenure, Dublin, Irish Republic.. His headstone bears the inscription "Happy, Loving Memories. Mother"